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October 2024

Ten colleagues associated to IMDEA Nanociencia, including Cristina, named World's Top 2% most influential scientists, according to the Stanford list.

PhotoIUPAC 2024 Valencia

July 2024

It was fun to attend the IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry held at Valencia's Palacio de Congresos. Great talks and perfect organization! 

New postdocs in the lab

July 2024

Two postdocs, Carmen González and Álvaro Castells, have recently joined the lab moving from France and China, respectively. They will  both investigate different aspects of cell-material interaction using advanced fluorescence microscopy. Welcome!  

Press release of our latest paper

April 2024

A press release of our most recent paper on in antibacterial hydrogels is out and has been picked up by a few Spanish news outlets. You can read it here (in English) or here (in Spanish).


February 2024

Cristina gives an outreach talk in the public library of Alovera, Guadalajara. Many thanks for the wonderful selection of local products. Delicious!

Alex joins the lab

October 2023

Alex Hrehoret has joined the lab as a PhD student, which will be co-supervised by Cristina and colleagues from Universidad Complutense de Madrid Nazario Martín and Beti Illescas. Alex will use his organic chemistry skills to prepare fluorescent derivatives of glycofullerenes and characterize them by advanced spectroscopy and microscopy. Welcome! 

New Doctor!

July 2023

Ingrid Ortega successfully defended her thesis on July 20th. Many congratulations and best wishes for the future!

Open postdoctoral position

July 2023

An open postdoctoral position in Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy is available. You can find a more detailed description here.

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Plenary talk at Focus on Microscopy 

April 2023

Cristina has given a plenay talk at Focus on Microscopy in beautiful Porto. Impressive (and slightly intimidating) lecture hall (which was fuller during her talk...)  

Poster prize for Ingrid

November 2022

Ingrid has won the 2nd poster prize at the Spanish & Portuguese Advanced Optical Microscopy meeting in Salamanca. Many congratulations!!

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Welcome Mar

September 2022

More good news in September as new student Mar Alcaraz joins our lab. She will work on an exciting and challenging project combining AFM and fluorescence to understand the mechanism of action of mechanobactericidal surfaces.  

New AFM installed!

September 2022

We are thrilled to have Europe's first Nanowizard V bioAFM installed in our lab. We had an intense couple of days training and already managed to acquire some nice data the first week. Looking forward to more!  

Fellowship for Felipe Viela

March 2022

Felipe has been awarded an IDEAL postdoctoral fellowship to continue his work at IMDEA Nano. Many congratulations! 

Bye bye Patricia

June 2021

After several productive years and (hopefully) good memories of Lab Life, Patricia leaves us to become a scientific illustrator. Best wishes for your new adventure!

Poster prize for Adrián

October 2020

​Adrián del Valle has risen to poster prize victory in the recent Multifrequency AFM Conference, which was held virtually. Very well done!

Felipe joins our lab

October 2020

We are happy to welcome Dr. Felipe Viela to our group. Felipe is an expert in force spectroscopy and nanofabrication and will work on combining these techniques with advanced fluorescence microscopy.

New doctor

September 2020

​On September 18th, Adrián successfully defended his PhD entitled "Simultaneous Fluorescence and Atomic Force Microscopy to study mechanically-induced bacterial death in real time". Many congratulations for a well deserved cum laude!

The force to kill a single bacterium

July 2020

​Our paper "Mechanically Induced Bacterial Death Imaged in Real Time: A Simultaneous Nanoindentation and Fluorescence Microscopy Study" seems to have been a hit. You can read the press release for example here (English) and here (Spanish).

JACS publication

January 2020

We have had a good start of the year with the publication of a paper in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, which reports on a combined spectroscopy, AFM and fluorescence microscopy study to understand amyloid photodynamic damage at the nanoscale. This is the first paper coming out from the AMYLIGHT project, in collaboration with our japanese colleagues.    

Patricia Bondia defends her PhD

December 2019

​Patricia has successfully defended her PhD entitled "Imaging amyloid fibers at the nanoscale: method development and applications for hybrid materials and biomedicine". Many congratulations to her for a well-deserved cum laude PhD and many thanks to the committee members for the interesting discussion!

Research colaboration with RWTH Aachen

December 2019

​Our lab has hosted for two months a visitor from Dominik Wöll's lab at RWTH Aachen, Pia Lenssen. Pia has been looking at mechanical properties of microgels with our AFM system. After a goodbye party consisting on Sichuan food and pretty fancy cocktails, Pia has now gone back to Germany. We wish her all the best for the future!

Hellos and goodbyes

September 2019

​We welcome our new PhD student Ingrid Ortega, who joined the lab in July. Ingrid will work on advanced fluorescence imaging of bacterial cell death processes.
Our postdoc Caterina Tone left us in August to join the University of Calabria (Italy) as an Assistant Professor at the Physics Department. Best wishes for your new position!


December 2018

We have been awarded a bilateral project with Dr. Youhei Sohma at the University of Tokyo. This funding scheme celebrates the 150 years of diplomatic relations between Spain and Japan. AMYLIGHT aims at providing a nanoscale view of the phototherapeutic mechanism of novel drugs that target amyloid. The grants were presented at an event at the Ministry of Science on November 7th. 

International Workshop in Nanoscale Imaging and Manipulation in Life and Materials Sciences

October 2018

Two new postdocs join the lab

October 2018

​We welcome Dr. Caterina Tone and Dr. Joaquim Torra, who are joining the lab as postdoctoral researchers!

Patricia was a visiting student at University of Tokyo

June-August 2018

Patricia visited the laboratory of Prof. Kanai and Prof. Sohma at The University of Toyko for a short stay. There she learnt a lot about peptide synthesis and photochemistry, which was very helpful for her thesis. It was a wonderful experience, including the discovery of japanese culture!

3rd International School of Nanomedicine: Nanofluidics, Nanoimaging and Nanomanipulation

05-12 April 2018

​Adrián and Patricia have given their first international talk at the 3rd International School of Nanomedicine: Nanofluidics, Nanoimaging and Nanomanipulation. This course was focused on state-of-the-art nanoscale techniques where they learnt among others about AFM, super-resolution microscopy and took some interesting ideas for their thesis. It was held in Sicily so they enjoyed the course but also food and landscape!

AFMBioMed Summer School  

August 2017

​Adrián has attended the AFMBioMed Summer School in Grenoble, where he has enjoyed learning about the latest AFM developments and has suffered from fear of heights in the cable car.

Visit to Japan

August 2017

Cristina has visited the labs of Prof. Shuhei Furukawa at the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences in Kyoto, and Profs. Motomu Kanai and Youhei Sohma in Tokyo University. It was a very productive and enjoyable trip.


3 May 2017

​Our work in collaboration with the University of Granada has appeared on the front cover of Small. Thanks again to Scixel for their help!


6 February 2017

​Our collaboration with Regensburg University Hospital has appeared in the front cover of the Journal of Biophotonics. Thanks to Scixel for their great work on the design. 

Nuevo contrato de doctorado!

27 December 2016

​Ofrecemos un contrato para hacer la tesis doctoral con nosotros, cofinanciado por el Programa de Empleo Juvenil de la Comunidad de Madrid. Ver detalles en el documento adjunto.

Two new papers

20 April 2016

​We are delighted to see two new papers published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces and Nanoscale, together with collaborators at IMDEA and the University of Granada, respectively.

FBI-AT: an advanced, hands-on training course on applications of imaging to biological questions 

18-22 January 2016

​Patricia travelled to Montpellier to attend the FBI-AT course as training for her PhD. This course was focused on state-of-the-art imaging techniques and will contribute to bring out the best of her AFM and super-resolution correlation experiments.

New paper published

21 January  2016

​A paper in collaboration with the University of Regensburg has just appeared in Journal of Biophotonics.

5th Early Stage Researchers Workshop

17-18 June 2015

​Alberto and Patricia participate with a talk and poster, respectively, to the Jóvenes Castores workshop at IMDEA Nanociencia.


22 April  2015

​Cristina gives a talk at Instituto de Química Orgánica General in Madrid about super-resolution

Cover for singlet oxygen book  

16 February 2015

Together with Santi Nonell at IQS Barcelona, Cristina is co-editing a book on singlet oxygen. It covers the physical, chemical and biological properties of this reactive oxygen species as well as its increasingly important applications across chemical, environmental and biomedical areas. Many experts in the field have contributed with chapters. We have just received the cover, here it is!


5 January 2015

​An outreach article and an interview have appeared in the website of the Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM), on the occassion of the award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to super-resolution microscopy (in Spanish). 


December, 2014

An outreach article about the recent award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to super-resolution microscopy has been published on the journal of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemisty (in Spanish).

Talk at ICMM

December 1, 2014

Cristina gives a talk at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid about this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry.


Webmaster: Patricia Bondia Raga

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